dr. Bill Wallace
Dr. William Lindsey Wallace Dateline
- 1908 Born January 17
- 1929 Enrolled at The University of Tennessee Medical School in Memphis
- 1934 Applied to the Foreign Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention
- 1935 In July appointed as Medical Missionary by Foreign Mission Board to Stout Memorial
Hospital, Wuchow, China
- 1935 September 6, left for China
- 1939-1940 Hospital Administrator
- 1940-41 Returned to US on furlow
- 1941 August 12, returned to Wuchow
- 1944 In September staff packed on barges to flee from Japanese
- 1945 Japanese surrendered. Dr. Wallace returned to Wuchow
- 1946-47 Dr. Wallace furloughed to US
- 1947 In September, Dr. Wallace returned to Wuchow
- 1950 December 19, Dr. Wallace was arrested, jailed and tortured
- 1951 February 10, Dr. Wallace died in prison
- 1985 January, Dr. Wallace’s remains returned to Knoxville by Cornelia Leavell
- 1985 January 12, Memorial Service at WMBC
- 1998 Memorial in Greenwood Cemetery Dedicated
*The Bill Wallace of China book is available for purchase ($15) in The Source.